"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes 2004

"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes  2004

08 February 2007

In search of greyhound "stuff"

I enjoy finding unique and unusual greyhound related items aka greyhound "stuff". What greyhound owner doesn't? But when one of my favorite places is the source of a greyhound find...well that's even better.

I've long been a fan of Pewabic Pottery in Michigan and have a small collection. Their selection is always interesting, natural and really gives you the feeling of the beauty that you find across Michigan. While they have an on-line store, I breathed a huge sigh of relief to discover Pewabic in a Flagstaff boutique during a recent day trip.

The Pewabic gallery contains an adorable greyhound statue....

Oh my...I bet The GEM Babes from Greythounds of Eastern Michigan are making plans for a field trip to Pewabic right about now!! ;)


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