"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes 2004

"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes  2004

24 December 2006

Not a creature was stirring...

I love this time of night. All the pups are sleeping, visions of squeaky toys dance in their heads. I've made sure the homeless cats are all snug in their beds...well actually they have a home. It's my potting shed. My "Charlie Brown Christmas CD" is playing and I will be dancing around the living room when the "Lucy & Linus" tune comes up. And a bit later I'll go down to the village square to enjoy the lights. It's cold here tonight - gloves and scarf weather - so my Christmas Eve is complete. Tomorrow morning I'll get up bright and early, call a few friends and then start to prepare everything for Christmas dinner.

I wish you all the happiest Christmas and hope your day is filled with joy and good cheer!

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