"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes 2004

"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes  2004

18 December 2006

My 1st Foster

One would think that with 9 greyhound running around the house, I'd be crazy to take in a foster greyhound. About a month ago, my first foster greyhound, Huey, arrived at my doorstep. (no comments on my sanity, please) To say I was nervous is an understatement! Huey had been in a previous home for several years and the owners had issues with his behavior. Things happen, I 'spose. Huey was understandably perplexed upon his arrival even though the pups made him welcome. As I was not sure just what to expect, a living room/dining room lock down had been imposed for the evening. During final bed check I discovered that Huey was missing - from inside the house that is. He'd gotten the hang of the doggie door and was laying on one of the outdoor beds in the moonlight. While he seemed perfectly happy, he was shivering so I went outside and persuaded him to come back into the house. By that time all the good sleep spots in the house were occupied and Huey looked up at me with big sad greyhound eyes. Against my better judgement I brought Huey into the living room where he promptly plopped himself down on the fluffiest bed and fell asleep. He sure didn't look like he'd do anything dastardly to my living room but just to be on the safe side I spent the night on the couch.

Huey is the happiest of greyhounds. He's sweet and loving and if you tickle his ears just right, he'll smile. He's very easy going and trusting. Huey has even let me trim his nails...a very risky thing as I had never trimmed nails before. Huey's are white and a bit translucent so it was quite easy however, I still won't trim the nails of the other pups. There have been a couple of families interested in Huey but so far he has not found his "family" but he will!

Huey will make someone the perfect greyhound. For now, there will be a couple of extra presents under the tree this year.


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