"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes 2004

"Ain't Life Grand" by Kathy Hoynes  2004

09 January 2007

Blog, Interrupted

While vacuuming the dog room (yes, the pups have their own room) I discovered a small book stashed under one of the beds. At first I thought someone had taken a novel of mine to (literally) devour, but no! It was a tiny diary. Who knew greyhounds kept diaries? Let alone write. And being the good step-mom that I am, I picked the lock and read it. (Oh come on…you discover your greyhound has a locked diary and you don’t read it?) Turns out that there is much more to my silly, hyper cowdog Remy than meets the eye. I guess I know why she barks so much – she has a lot to say.

We now interrupt this blog for an excerpt from "The Remy Diaries"...

“Blondie took me for walkies today. Cripe! It’s about time. Does she not know that I need constant visual and nasal stimulation???!!! I have a very cool new collar. It’s really big and straps around my shoulders and tummy and there’s no more unsightly chaffing on my neck when I start to jump on the passerbys to say hello. None of the other guys have a collar like mine. So me & Blondie are doing walkies around town but does she take me into the stores shopping?? Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! She says it cause I’m too jumpy but I’m just a tiny little thing and I need to jump up to see all the things that are way up high. Like when there is food up on the counters. Why does she put it up there? It certainly is not easy for me to get to. And Blondie’s nose. I like to give her kisses on her nose when she comes home but she’s way up there and I need jump and jump. The same goes for people who come to visit. Like the Lauren lady. She smelled really nice, just like a greyhound. And being the good girl that I am, I wanted to give her a proper welcome but I jumped and jumped and could not reach her nose. So then I tried to hug her as I jumped. Everyone got all postal and WELL!!!! Last time I try to be cordial. Lauren lady was way too interested in Marty anyway. It’s always Marty-Marty-Marty. Did Marty defend the pecan tree when a chicken flew into the tree and tried to steal all the pecans? I don’t think so! Blondie said the chicken was just lost but I have my doubts. Does Marty let the rest of the pack know when a thunderstorm is on the way? Nope, nope and nope. I have a sure fire early warning system so all the pack knows it’s going to rain soon. I shake and run around in a tizzy. And I will do this all night till long after the rain goes away. That’s just the kind of girl I am. Marty is ok really but he doesn’t like to snuggle with me. Hrumph! Oh but he will snuggle with Blondie. I like to snuggle with Blondie too. In the middle of the night when I want to talk to her, I jump into the bed and wiggle all the way up to the top and then I sit on her head. She wakes up really fast then! And does she ever talk. But most times I snuggle up along side Blondie so she can rub my neck while I fall asleep. I’m glad she wised up and took me for walkies today. I better go for walkies tomorrow!”

I'm not exactly sure why, but I'll share more of The Remy Diaries in upcoming future. And below is my drawing of the Samuel Pepys wannabe herself.
Why can't she just sleep all day like a normal greyhound?

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